Write For Us

Selection of topics

We allow articles and blog posts on the following niche topics
Write for us on web design
The web design niche encompasses UI and UX design. So, you have plenty of scope to express your thoughts and feedback on various sub-topics, such as design theories, tools, software, and approaches.
Write for us on web development
Our development niche covers various web development technologies, frameworks, platforms, and tools. So, you have room to talk about PHP, ASP.NET, Python, Ruby on Rails, C#, etc. Moreover, you can discuss various database management solutions and technologies. Finally, you can discuss Progressive Web Application development in length.
Write for us on mobile app design & development
We invite you to talk about native and cross-platform app development technologies, tools, and frameworks. For example, you can write on iOS app development, Android application development, Swift, Kotlin, iPhone, iPad, etc.
Write for us on web & mobile app development frameworks
PHP alone has numerous frameworks, so that you can select some topics from it. In addition, various JavaScript frameworks are useful in web and mobile application development, such as Angular.js, Node.js, React, React Native, Flutter, Ionic, and so on
Write for us on eCcommerce design & development
E-Commerce is a buzz in the market and a rapidly growing sector on the digital landscape. You can discuss various ecommerce development technologies and platforms, such as Magento, WooCommerce, Shopify, OpenCart, BigCommerce, etc. They are self-hosted and SaaS-based. They are open-source and proprietary platforms. In addition, there are various approaches such as B2C, B2B, dropshipping, hybrid approach with B&M stores, etc.
Write for us on emerging technologies
Many emerging technologies are setting trends and getting momentum, including AI and its sub-set technologies, AR, VR, IoT, Blockchain, etc. Feel free to open conversations on these technologies, trends, and tools.
Why should you take pain to write for us?

It is a legitimate question why you should take pains to write for us,
and let me give some valid reasons for the same.
To expand your reach
We have nurtured our audience by feeding them quality content. By numbers, we have a vast readership; most of them are active and participate through comments giving authors the right feedback. Thus, you can expand your reach further and win them with quality content on various technologies mentioned.
To establish your authority
By nature, we have a tech-savvy audience. By writing on various tech-related topics, you have the opportunity to establish your niche authority. It ultimately fulfills search engines’ E-T-A requirements. In addition, you can give backlinks to your/own content/blogs and divert traffic there to show your expertise.
To gain backlink juice
Our blog is ad-free, and we have achieved good ranking and domain authority by publishing unique and quality content. So, if you write for us and we publish your content, you have a good chance of winning high-quality backlinks from us.
To win social media benefits
We regularly post and link our content on social media under the hood of our social content. Thus, your content may get trendy on social media, and you can achieve various social media benefits from it. For instance, your content can get likes, shares, retweets, and eventually traffic through your backlinks.
Who is eligible to write for us?

- Anyone with a passion for technology and the ability to translate their thoughts into words, images, infographics, animations, and videos.
- Any author or business owner belonging to the tech niche who wishes to expand their reach and get a quality audience through our blog.
- Emerging technical writers who want to build a solid portfolio publishing content on our quality blog.
Which content do we approve?

We have set the following criteria to approve and publish your content. Of course, your content must meet the requirements of humans and search engines at once.
Content with sound language:
- No spelling mistakes.
- No syntax disorder.
- No grammatical errors.
- Not complex, so any level of readership can consume the content.
Content with uniqueness:
- Your content must pass through our plagiarism checker.
- You must use unique images, graphics, and other multimedia content.
- We love the addition of visual content, so feel free to add video links to embed them.
- Write unique and catchy titles to grab the attention of readers.
- If you are adding external links in the content, please check well so they never result in broken links.
Our mandatory needs

We have some requirements/expectations from you, and those must be fulfilled.
- Please provide us with copyright-free images and graphics created by you from scratch or obtained from valid platforms with valid licenses.
- We expect the length of a blog post to be more than one thousand (1,000) words for cluster posts and more than two thousand (2,000) for pillar posts.
- You must select relevant topics to our prescribed categories.
- It is advisable to insert a relevant link (at least one) from our previous blogs as internal links.
- You can add only one link from your content/posts from your blog as an external link.
Our submission guideline

We have decided on some submission guidelines to write and publish content with us.
- Email is the best channel to send us your content, and our email ID is wallis.info20@gmail.com
- We prefer content submitted through the original file in MS Word or similar formats.
- Take care of headings and sub-headings that should be according to Word formats.
- We need to know the image placement in your content. So, please leave images in your content as such.
- However, we can’t use images included in your Word file directly. So, please provide us with original or high-resolution images separately in a zip format.
- We have a limited quota to publish content. So, no need to send us frequent reminders or inquiries regarding it.
- We will acknowledge your content’s published link/URL once we approve and publish them.
- Keep communication with us to a minimum; we’ll appreciate it.