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The Dynamic Angular
Development Company

We are developing a dynamic and interactive front
optimized for high design and coding standards.

Our Services

Angular Consulting

Our Angular experts offer to consult services to guide you on each stage of your Angular application development projects, from ideation/concept validation to deployment and maintenance.

Angular UI & UX Design

Our creative team of Angular UI and UX designers design attractive UIs using smart UI components. Furthermore, we develop a smooth workflow and interactions between elements. Thus, we boost your traffic exponentially.

SPA Development

We build dynamic and interactive single-page applications leveraging Angular features: Two-way data binding, API handling, deep linking, server-side communication, and dependency injections.

API Development

We develop RESTful APIs to carry out common tasks, such as: comparing objects, iterating objects, and converting data. In addition, we are capable of creating APIs from scratch.


We enable your Angular applications to access various third-party applications and services to further extend functionality—for instance, CRM, ERP, POS, and payment gateway integration.


We provide safe and secure migration services if you want to move your applications from other frameworks to Angular. In addition, we manage your data safety and security during migration.

Cross-platform App

We develop mobile UIs with native look-and-feel using tools available on the Angular platform. As a result, our Angular apps work seamlessly across devices, browsers, and OS platforms. Furthermore, it is cost-effective because a single code base works across the platforms.

UI Components

We use the Angular Material library to create stunning UI components for your applications. Thus, you can leverage all benefits that come with Material Design. In addition, we make smart UI comp onents that result in an intuitive design at the frontend.

Directives & Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection, or DI, is wired into Angular and allows classes with Angular decorators, including directives, components, pipes, and injectables, to configure the dependencies they need. It helps us to deliver dynamic and interactive applications.

Enterprise App

We use Angular CLI in process automation and the addition of the latest features in enterprise applications. Simple and limited numbers of commands make Angular updates and testing simple and quick.

Custom Widgets

We use the Angular Material library to create custom widgets. Thus, we facilitate your application users to have advanced interaction capabilities. It’s especially useful for backend users who want a rich dashboard.

Support & Maintenance

Our Angular experts are ready to attend to your queries and emergencies round-the-clock by providing uninterrupted support services. Moreover, our maintenance plans are flexible and budget-friendly.

Hire Us

We prove an extension of your in-house team to fill the Angular technology gap.
Hire our Angular application developers to obtain high-end services.


Do you opt for flexibility and cost-efficiency? Our hourly model is excellent for tech-savvy clients who can manage projects themselves. It is an ideal choice for small to large projects with uncertain outcomes. We charge based on per-hour work.



Do you look for convenience? Our part-time hiring model is flexible and convenient for both of us. It is a good choice for small to midsize projects with certain outcomes. We charge for work for a part of the day. Then, our developers can work on other projects for the rest of the time.



Are you running for deadlines without compromising the quality? Our full-time hiring model is an excellent choice for clients looking for a dedicated team working on their projects and delivering on time without missing quality credentials. It is an ideal hiring model for small to large projects with certain outcomes.


What sets us apart from others?

Expert Team

We have gathered a handpicked and skilled team of full-stack Angular developers. Moreover, we provide ongoing training and keep the team updated with new technologies, tools, trends, and techniques.

Experienced Team

We have spent years in the industry. Our Angular developers have a rich portfolio working with a local and global clientele. Our developers have a deep understanding of various domains.

The Best Client Experience

We treat our clients as team members and give them direct access to the development team through PMS. So they can place their feedback and obtain reports regularly or as per their choice. Such involvement gives the best client experience (CX)

Custom Solutions

We are capable of doing intensive customization to your Angular applications so they can meet your unique business requirements. Every business loves tailor-made solutions, and we provide them.

Cost Efficiency

No doubt, our rates are highly competitive in the market. However, we also consider that your app development should remain cost-efficient despite attaining high quality. So we use the best tools, techniques, and methodology.

Dedicate Resources

We have an in-house team of Angular app developers who work dedicatedly on your project and give you high-quality outcomes without missing your deadlines. In addition, we have enough dedicated resources to allocate for you.

Our Angular Development Process



Our business analysts (BA) gather business requirements and run research on your target audience to prepare user persona.


We create effective development strategies and accomplish project development planning for each stage.


Our Angular designers prepare sketches, then wireframe, and then prototype before delivering the final design of the interface, interactions, and user flow.


Our Angular application programmers turn the design into a functional application and infuse life with their dynamic and interactive programming.

QA & Testing

Our QA team runs various tests using manual and automated testing methods and tools to ensure bug and error-free Angular applications.


Our DevOps work hard to upload, set up, and configure your Angular application on a suitable hosting service or submit mobile apps to the marketplace.

Support & Maintenance

Our support and maintenance team provides round-the-clock services to address your inquiries and emergencies arising during and afterward the development process.

Technologies We Use

We are full-stack Angular developers with
expertise in the following tech stack.
  • Mobile Angular
  • Angular Material
  • Angular UI Bootstrap
  • LumX
  • Radiant
  • Ionic
  • Open UI
  • DataTables
  • Nest.js
  • Onsen UI
  • Prime NG
  • HTTP
  • Interval
  • Timeout
  • Animate
  • AnchorScroll
  • Animate CSS
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • Angular IDE
  • Brackets
  • PyCharm
  • WebStorm
Testing Tools
  • Karma
  • Protractor
  • Jasmine
  • Mocha.js
Dev Tools
  • AngularFire
  • Djangular
  • Angular Kickstart
  • Angular seed
  • Generator Angular

Our Portfolio

Grab an opportunity to know our work, skills, expertise,
and experience through a rich portfolio.

Enter Asia

May 22, 2023


Wyndel Apartments

May 22, 2023


Hometown Restoration

May 22, 2023


Priority Lending

May 22, 2023



February 2, 2023



February 2, 2023


Lend your ears to our patrons who have got
complete satisfaction while working with us.


Improve your industry knowledge and gain familiarity
with ongoing trends by reading our information-rich posts.
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Now, you know our capabilities and capacities to deal with any scale of complexities in your Angular application development. Therefore, we invite you to create your success saga with us. Let's talk about your project requirements.